Before we dive into each section, we wanted to include some resources for individuals creating their resume from scratch. Many word processors, such as Pages and Microsoft Word have resume templates that are easy to modify and customize. There are also many free templates available online on sites like ResumeGeniusHloom and Canva. Keep in mind that a strong resume has consistent formatting and design throughout. Templates help you follow that recommendation, while also allowing for you to add your own personal touches. However, if you do decide to use a template, make sure you are also considering what will show off your skills and experiences the most effectively.

To begin, you’ll want to decide the arrangement of the sections on your resume. The order in which you do so is discretional and will be different based on your industry and stage of your career. For example, a recent graduate might want to feature his or her education at the top of their resume, whereas a more experienced technical professional might want to include his or her hard skills at the top. Whichever way you decided to structure your resume, you’ll want to make sure that it is the best representation of you and your skills. Below is our in-depth guide to making the most of each section on your resume.
