Four Benefits of Staffing Agencies in a Hiring Deficit
We are in a hiring deficit. As a growing number of workers are leaving their jobs, companies are struggling to fill open positions. This is resulting in uncharted challenges in today’s hiring market. The National Federation of Independent Business and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that approximately half of all employers can’t fill their open positions. Staffing shortages are forcing companies to re-evaluate the way they hire and attract candidates.
There were 7x more recruiter job openings in June 2021 compared to June 2020. Clearly, companies are growing their in-house recruiting teams, but how come we continue to see a decrease in hiring? If adding more recruiters doesn’t solve the problem, what will?
Specialization Outweighs Company Size
Small teams have shown more success when it comes to solving complex problems. Which is why we have created multiple recruitment teams that each have a specialized focus for a client. Having small recruiting teams, a robust internal candidate database and refined recruitment process allows us to find candidates fast without sacrificing quality.
When comparing to our client’s in-house teams, Hunter Recruiting submitted candidates 1.75x faster from 2019-2021.
At a large company there are more processes, approvals, authority levels, and potential roadblocks. Resulting in longer wait times for a candidate between the interview and the hiring process.
Our recruitment teams are made up of highly-skilled recruiters whose main objective is to find top talent candidates for the jobs clients provide us.
This means less processes, approvals, authority levels, and potential roadblocks. Our recruiters use the time it takes to make valuable connections with potential candidates. This, paired with industry expertise from our recruiters, leads to a quick understanding of a candidate’s qualification for the role and company before we refer them to be interviewed.
Quality Candidates Are Scarce
The biggest challenge companies face when looking to fill a role is finding talented candidates. It is easy to find candidates that fit the requirements for a role, but to find talented candidates is not an easy task.
Highly qualified candidates are most likely interviewing for more than one job at a time. If your company has a slow, inefficient hiring process, this will deter any top talent candidate from moving forward in the interview process.
If your company does not offer an efficient hiring process, you could lose the perfect candidate.
Sourcing and retaining top-talented candidates requires knowledge of how to attract them. Majority of hiring departments do not adapt to the job market to find top-talent candidates. During a hiring deficit, it is key to stay on top of what candidates are looking for.
Fortunately for those companies, there is a quick solution: recruitment firms.
Customized Solutions
Staffing firms often have one solution process that they stick to for each client. Not at Hunter. We take time to connect with our clients and understand exactly where their hiring pain points are.
Clients only pay for what they need when we create a customized solution for their hiring pain points.
Staffing and recruiting firms have had a stigma of being overpriced and unnecessary. While that could be true for some, it is not true for all. Recruiting firms offer more than just sourcing candidates, and we can prove that with our clients.
Keep up With Hiring Trends
Job seeker’s wants and needs are constantly changing. You could do a quick google search to find out what those wants and needs are, but this won’t give you the specific insights needed for your industry.
As a recruiting firm, we are talking to and hiring job seekers all day.
We know what:
- Pay candidates expect for each level of position
- Benefits are most sought after
- Questions are most asked about each company
And more. (but you’ll have to contact us to find out)
If a company has a position they are struggling to fill, our recruiters will find the gaps and fill them based on what the job seekers in the market are saying. Sometimes this could be as simple as re-wording the job descriptions. Other times it may be more complex if the feedback from most candidates has to do with the pay and benefits offered.
Our account managers work with clients one-on-one to communicate these gaps and come up with solutions.
Final Thoughts
Today’s hiring market continues to be in a candidate deficit. Too many jobs are being left unfilled. We believe it is because companies are lacking in their hiring and recruiting process for today’s job seekers.
To learn more about what Hunter offers, or to get in contact with us to talk about a potential partnership, visit our website at https://www.hirecruiting.com/
Looking to advance your job search? Checkout this article on how to through LinkedIn.