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Four Quick Tips to Organize Your Workday More Effectively

Four Quick Tips to Organize Your Workday More Effectively

When you sit down at your desk for the day, it can be tempting to get right into your work. However, spending a few minutes dedicated to planning out your day can drastically increase your productivity. Check out these four quick tips to organize your workday more effectively.

1. Start With a List

After you’ve had your morning coffee and are ready to get started working for the day, consider listing out all of the things, big and small, that you want to accomplish. Then, prioritize the list as needed. What can you realistically get through today? As you think about your day, you may want to consider time for breaks and account for additional tasks that could require your attention throughout the day. While you can’t plan for all the unexpected things that may come up, you can set goals and cross off important items by realistically listing out your tasks.

2. Cross Off an Important Item First

You may have heard the phrase “start by eating the frog”. The “frog” refers to a task that is challenging or unpleasant and needs to get done. By crossing off a larger project earlier in the day, you can avoid having the “frog” linger on your to-do list. Additionally, by starting off with a difficult task you can set the momentum for the day and be able to address any other items that come up.

3. Try to Schedule Meetings in The Afternoon

After a morning of completing items on your to-do list, you may be ready for some variety in your day. By scheduling calls and meetings in the afternoon, you can break up your day at a time when you may be starting to get burnt out. The afternoon is a great time to connect with others and pivot to think about broader team goals and initiatives. This also allows you to keep your mornings open for focused work and free of interruptions.

4. End Your Day by Revisiting Your List

At the end of the day as things are wrapping up, it is a good idea to revisit the list you created that morning. What did you accomplish? What is left for tomorrow? Taking note of the things you didn’t accomplish will give you a good idea of what to expect going into the next day and help streamline your morning planning session. Do you need to delegate a project? Is there something that can wait until next week? Thinking about your day retrospectively can help you keep pace on the various projects cycling through your desk.


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